Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bambara Day 4

A common conversation that can be used to learn many things in Bambara.

What's your name?
I togo be di?
                                                            My name is Jacob.
                                                            Ne togo ye Yacouba.
What's this (that)?
Ni yé mun yé?
                                                            A chair.
A chair?
Sigilan wa?
What's a chair?
Sigilan ye mun yé?
                                                            People sit on it.
                                                            Mogo be sigi a kan.

What's he doing?
A bé mun kera?
                                                            He's planting corn.
                                                            A be kaba dan.
Mun koson?
                                                            The rain is coming and he is a cultivator.
                                                            Sanji nana ani a le ye senekéla ye.
I ni cé.
                                                            You're welcome. Where are you going?
                                                            M'ba.                           I be ta min?
I'm going home.
Ne be ta so.
                                                            Greet your people.
                                                            K'an b'u fo.
They'll here it.
U na men.
                                                            See you later.
                                                            K'an ben kofé.

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